Dear UniAdrion member,

We’re disseminating a new opportunity for post-doc mobility at the University which hosts our permanent secretariat, the Università Politecnica delle Marche. Please find all relevant information below.

We kindly ask you to disseminate this as well across your University’s relevant channels to reach out to as many potential applicants as possible. Thank you for your time and effort. Have a nice day.

Call for Expressions of Interest for a joint application under the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme – Call:
MSCA-PF-2024 [1]

Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) is hosting the second edition of the ‘MSCA MasterClass @UNIVPM’ [2] initiative. This opportunity is particularly targeted towards individuals applying for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) and selecting UNIVPM as their host institution. The MasterClass offers a chance for chosen researchers to familiarize themselves with UNIVPM while also obtaining a comprehensive proposal writing clinic with the assistance of the International Projects Team and a professional expert.

The MSCA PF [1] instrument targets postdoctoral researchers seeking to acquire new skills through advanced training and opportunities for international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral mobility. Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire the rights tools for a competitive proposal! Università Politecnica delle Marche may be your future Host Institution!

The initiative aims to nurture mutually fruitful collaborations among inspired researchers and to establish and consolidate a wider cooperation network between excellent research institutions while offering participants the possibility to receive vocational training and to grow professionally, expanding their knowledge and expertise regarding European projects.


The MasterClass program consists of a three-day intensive training, pre-screening and coaching course on how to write a successful proposal.
It will be held from June 5 th to 7th (a limited number of travel and accommodation support costs will be available for selected applicants).


Applicants are required to choose one of the over 30 „Supervisors project proposals“ and submit the following documents: presentation of project idea, CV Postdoc Template, Motivation letter template and the Letter of reference.

Please follow us for the necessary information and instructions to complete the application: on Euraxess [3], University [2] website, and our LinkedIn [4] page.

If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the International Projects Service at .

The following is a list of the project ideas that UNIVPM is offering:

Faculty of Medicine: 14 project ideas [5]

Faculty of Engineering: 13 project ideas [6]

Faculty of Agriculture: 1 project ideas [7]

Faculty of Economics: 5 project ideas [8]

Faculty of Science: 4 project ideas [9]

Deadline: April 26th 2024!

UniAdrion Administrative Office

c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche

Via Oberdan, 8 [10]

60122 – Ancona


Tel.: +39 071 2203028






