Miroslav Lalovic
Associate Professor

Organizational unit (Department)
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary medicine 
+387 57 340 401

Animal husbandry, Dairy Industry


Miroslav (Drago) Lalović, was born on 29 August 1964 in Sarajevo, municipality of Centar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Permanently employed at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Istočno Sarajevo from 1996 until today, as Assistant professor for the courses of General Animal Husbandry and Dairy Industry. He was worked as an engineer- technologist at the Breeding Sheep Farm in Kalinovik, which is part of the UPI Sarajevo, from 1989 until 1991. Doctoral thesis in agricultural sciences with the topic of: „Studying the Influence of the Keeping System, Breed and Production Phase on Direct Indicators of Benefits of Dairy Cows“, he successfully defended at  University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture (2013). Master thesis entitled: „Genotypic and Phenotypic Variability, Productive and Reproductive Characteristics of Grey Alpine Cattle Breed in the Gacko Area”, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak, Serbia (2002). Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of Animal Husbandry (1989). The area of professional interest includes ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats, reproduction, breeding, benefits). Member of commission for thesis evaluation and defense for five final master theses in the field of Animal Husbandry. Participated as a mentor or a Commission member in the preparation and defense of more diploma theses. Member of the Commission for the Preparation of Self-Assessment Report of the Faculty of Agriculture on more occasions. Coordinator of the project financed by the Republic of Srpska Ministry of Science and Technology and entitled: „Evaluation of Benefits of Dairy Cows in the Republic of Srpska Based on Direct Indicators“. The Republic of Srpska Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry’s appointment to the Working Group for Preparing a Development Program for the Hilly-Mountainous Area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Appointment as the Director of the Beef Cattle Repro Centre (under a project – under formation) in Kalinovik on behalf of the Republic of Srpska Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry. Presentations given at the invitation of agricultural producers in the Republic of Srpska in the fields of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Industry on more occasions. Head of the Department for Animal Husbandry at the Faculty of Agriculture in Istočno Sarajevo. Use of foreign languages: English and German (Beginner Level A 1.2.) and Russian (Advanced Level). Publication of over 35 scientific and professional papers in the fields of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Industry as author or co-author so far.

Academic career


Academic career Year Institution Area
Last selection 2018 Faculty of Agriculture, East Sarajevo Animal Husbandry
PhD 2013 Faculty of Agriculture, East Sarajevo Animal Husbandry
Master 2002 Faculty of Agriculture, Cacak Physiology and fodder of Dairy cattle
Diploma 1989 Faculty of Agriculture, Sarajevo Animal Husbandry



  1. Гутић, М., Петровић, М., Снежана Богосављевић- Бошковић, Лаловић, М., Вера Рајичић (2002): Ефекат узгојно селекцијског рада на постигнуте тјелесне димензије гатачког говечета. Агрознање, год. IV, бр. 1, 21-29, Б. Лука
  2. Гутић, М., Петровић, М., Богосављевић- Бошковић Снежана, Лаловић, М., Рајичић Вера (2002): Испитивање утицаја удјела гена сименталске расе на производне особине крава домаће шарене расе. Савремена пољопривреда, вол. 51, бр. 3-4, стр. 93-96, Нови Сад.
  3. Лаловић, М., Гутић, М., Петровић, М. (2004): Испитивање трајања сервис периода код крава сиве алпске расе говеда на фарми П.Д. Гацко. Биотехнологија у сточарству, вол. 20, бр. 3-4, 15-21, Институт за сточарство, Београд – Земун.
  4. Лаловић М., Мекић Ц., Пандуревић Татјана (2006): Фенотипска испољеност и варијабилност репродуктивних особина код крава сиве алпске расе говеда. Зборник научних радова 2006., Вол. 12, бр. 3-4, стр. 75-82, Институт ПКБ Агроекономик, Београд
  5. Лаловић, М., Цвијан, М., Пандуревић Татјана (2006): Производња млијека код крава сиве алпске расе говеда на фарми ПД „ Гацко“. XVII Иновације у сточарству, Биотехнологија у сточарству, вол. 22 (Посебан број), 257-264, Пољопривредни факултет-Институт за сточарство, Београд-Земун.
  6. Miroslav Lalović, Draženko Budimir, Tatjana Pandurević, Milan Jugovic (2012): A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MILK FAT PRODUCTION IN SIMMENTAL AND HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BREEDS, Proceedings of The First International Symposium on Animal Science, November 8th-10th 2012. Belgrade, Sebia, Book I, page 87-94.
  7. Radojica ĐOKOVIĆ, Marko CINCOVIĆ, Vladimir KURČUBIĆ, Zoran ILIĆ, Milun PETROVIĆ, Miroslav LALOVIĆ, Boban JOSOVIĆ (2014): EVALUTION OF METABOLIC STATUS IN DAIRY COWS DURING TRANSITION PERIOD. Book of Fifth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium „Agrosym 2014“, 868-873, Jahorina, October 23-26.
  8. Tatjana Pandurević, Bojana Ristanović, Miroslav Lalović (2015): The Influence of Age Hens on the Intensity Load Capacity from Different Weight Groups Eggs. Animal Science and Biotehnologies, 48 (1).