Mirko Kulina
Full Professor

Organizational unit (Department)
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture
+387 57 340 401
General Fruit Growing, Especially fruit growing with wine growing, The conditions for storage of fruit and grapes


Dr.sc Mirko Kulina was born 1958. in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He finished Primary and Secondary education in Sarajevo, and then Faculty of Agriculture, in 1986. Since 1986, he has worked as a technologist in plant production at the company “Agrokomerc“, until the outbreak of war conflicts in 1991. Since 1996, he has been employed at the Faculty of Agriculture University of East Sarajevo, as Assistant trainee, and then as an Assistant and Senior Assistant in the subjects of General Fruit Growing and Special Fruit Growth. Postgraduate studies in the field of Fruit growing, field Pomology, he enrolled at the Faculty of Agriculture in Cacak in 1998. and defended his master's thesis in 2001. year. He was elected as Senior Assistant in 2002, and by 2007. he worked as Senior Assistant on the above-mentioned subjects. PhD thesis, reported in 2003. at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, and defended on 13. July 2007. He became assistant professor in 2008, and in 2013. year he became Associate professor in the scientific field “Horticulture” (Fruit growing). He's a teacher on the subjects I, II and III cycles of Academic studies study program of Agriculture.

During his scientific-research activities, he has published over 100 scientific papers in leading journals of national and international significance. He has published three books and practicum from the teaching subjects he is engaged in. Also, he was a mentor over eighty graduate papers and a large number of student scientific papers. He has been a mentor at the II cycle of academic studies. He has participated in the commissions for the defense of master and doctoral works, commissions for selection in the candidate's scientific titles. He was vice dean for education and vice dean of scientific research process. He is currently manager of the Department of Horticulture. He has actively participated in the realization of national and international projects.

Dr.sc Mirko Kulina in his professional career he has performed several scientific, professional, pedagogical and managerial functions.

Academic career

Academic career Year Institution Area
Last selection 2019 Faculty of Agriculture, East Sarajevo Horticulture (Fruit growing)
PhD 2007 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture Biotechnical science, field of Fruit Growing and Viticulture
Master 2001 Faculty of Philosophy, East Sarajevo Biotechnical Science, Pomology
Diploma 1986 Faculty of Agriculture, Sarajevo Agriculture, agricultural engineer-field Fruit Growing and Viticulture


  1. Lučić, P., Paunović, G.,  Kulina, M.(2011): Seedling production-Production of planting material of fruit trees. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy Cacak. ISBN 978-86-87611-16-0. COBIS.SR-ID 183247628.
  2. Kulina, M., Gaćeša, B., Mirjana Stojanović, Zlata Alić-Džanović. (2013): Pomological properties of „Gala“ apple clones in the region of Sarajevo. IV International Symposium „Agrosym 2013“ October 03-06, Jahorina. Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia; Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia.Book of proceedings, pp. 257-262
  3. Kulina, M.,Mirjana Radović, Berjan, S., Vesna Kraišnik (2013): Pomological anh chemical properties of fruit of pear grown in conditional of Bratunac. Agroznanje, Vol. 14., No 3. 2013, pp. 357-365. University of banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture. Original scientific paper UDK: 634.13-15.
  4. Kulina Mirko, Radović Mirjana (2014): Practicum from General Fruit Growing 1. University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. ISBN 978-99955-751-6-8. COBIS. RS – ID
  5. Kulina, M., Radović, Mirjana (2016): Pomological properties of some cultivars of sweet cherry. Book of Proceedings XXI Symposium on Biotechnology with international participation, Vol. 21 (23), pp. 253-260.
  6. Kulina, M.,Gorica Paunović, Mirjana Radovioć (2016): Total Phenolic Content of Different Apple Cultivars. VII International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2016” .Jahorina, October 06-09, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of proceedings, pp. 926-930.
  7. Mirko Kulina, Gorica Paunović, Mirjana Radović, Andrijana Mitrović (2017): Physico-chemical properties of some fruit of pear cultivars (Pyrus communis L.) in the Sarajevo region. XXII Symposium on Biotechnology with international participation. Book of Proceedings 1, pp 239-245,
  8. Kulina, Mirko, Radović, Mirjana, Aliman, Jasmina (2017): Growth systems and pomotehnical of apple. University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. ISBN 978-99976-718-4-4.     RS – ID  7257112.
  9. Macák M., Đalović I., Šeremešić S., Tyr S., Milošev D., Kulina M.(2017): Soil organic carbon in long–term experiments: comparative analysis in Slovakia and Serbia. Agronomy Research 15(5), Pages 1971–1982. https://doi.org/10.15159/AR.17.(IF: 0.390
  10. Stamenković S.O., Djalović G.I, Kostić D.M., Mitrović M.P., Kulina K.M.,Veljković B.V. (2018): Kinetic modeling and optimization of biodiesel production from white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seed oil by quicklime-catalyzed transesterification. Fuel Volume 223: 125–139. ISSN: 0016-2361. (IF2016=908; 5YIF: 5.033).
  11. Gorica Paunović, Mirko Kulina (2018): General Fruit Growing biology and ecology of fruit trees. University book. Faculty of Agronomi Cacak, University of Kragujevac ISBN 978–86–87611–60–3; COBIS: RS–ID 268437516.


  1. Reshaping of Agricultural Vocational Studies in the Western Balkans (AGRIVOC). 530184-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details-page/?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/c632deae-194f-4aff-9086-09e8d4f8f925
  2. Boosting Adult System Education in Agriculture (AGRI BASE),. 2015-1-MK01-KA204-002857
  3. Remanufacture the food supply chain by testing INNovative solutions for zero inorganic WASTE – REINWASTE.
    REINWASTE | Remanufacture the food supply chain by testing INNovative solutions for zero inorganic WASTE