Dejana Stanic
Associate Professor

Organizational unit (Department)
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant production, Department of Horticulture
+387 57 340 401



Dejana Stanić was born on November 6, 1978 in Sarajevo. She finished primary and secondary medical school in Sarajevo with great success. School year 2007/2008, she enrolled at the Faculty of Agriculture in East Sarajevo. In February 2003 she finished the Faculty  with a thesis titled “Ethiological study of the appearance of rotting peach and nectarine fruit on the market in Banja Luka”. On the promotion of graduated agriculture engineers in December 2003, she was a student of the generation. Since April 2004, she worked on the Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo, as Assistant on the subject of Entomology.

Post-graduate, graduate studies, she started in 2004/2005 on the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, educational-profile Master of Biotechnical Sciences, Department of Entomology. Master's thesis “Diversity of harmfulapple insect in the region of ​​East Sarajevo”, she finished in December  2009 year on University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture.

PhD thesis “Entomofauna of pears with special rewiev to bionomy and control the most significant harmful insects,” she finished in January 2015 year on University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. In may 2015 year,  she was appointed as Professor on the subject of Entomology. She is an active member of the Society for Plant Protection of BiH and Plant Protection Society of Serbia. In the previous period, she participated as an author and coauthor of numerous scientific papers.

Professional training

–  „Integrated pest management of fruit and forest trees“, 07-29.06. 2010, Israel

– „Training course on Plant Protection Products“, 08-11. 06.2015, Atina.

– „Training of persons responsible for  transport PPP, Banjaluka, August 2012 year

– Workshop on Integrated Pest Management. November 2014, Sarajevo

Training of evaluators of pesticides on the effectiveness of pesticides, April, 2016, Banjaluka


Academic career

Academic career Year Institution Area
Last selection 2021 Faculty of Agriculture, East Sarajevo Plant protection
PhD 2015 Faculty of Agriculture, East Sarajevo Plant protection
Master 2009 Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade Plant protection
Diploma 2003 Faculty of Agriculture, East Sarajevo Agronomy, general


  1. Дејана Тешановић, Спасић Радослава, Макера Ана (2010). Предатори лисних ваши на јабуци у локалитету Кула (Источно Сарајево), Међународни научни симпозијум агронома  „Agrosym Jahorina 2010“.
  2. Дејана Тешановић (2010). Квантитативна и квалитативна анализа штетних инсеката јабуке на подручју Источног Сарајева. X Саветовање о заштити биља, Зборник резимеа радова, Златибор, 29. новембар-3. децембар 2010. године.
  3. Дејана Тешановић (2011). The most significant pests of apple in area of East Sarajevo. 46th Croatin – 6th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija,  14-18 February, 2011.
  4. Дејана Тешановић, Радослава Спасић, Мирко Кулина, Мирјана Мојевић (2011). Заступљеност лисних минера на различитим сортама јабуке у локалитету Кула (Источно Сарајево), Међународни научни симпозијум агронома „Agrosym Jahorina 2011“.
  5. Mirjana Mojević, Dejana Tešanović (2011). Influence of short anoxia treatment and maturity on quality and storage life of tomato. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Vol.56. No.2, 2011, Pages 121-131.
  6. Dejana Tešanović, Radoslava Spasić (2013). Pests of apple leaf flower buds in the region of East Sarajevo, Fourth International Agronomic Symposium „Agrosym 2013“, 546-552.
  7. Дејана Тешановић, Радослава Спасић, Душан Андријашевић (2015). Заступљеност инсеката на јаром јечму у локалитету Кула. XII Симпозијум о заштити биља у Босни и Херцеговини, Зборник радова, Мостар 03-05.11.2015.
  8. Dejana Tešanović, Radoslava Spasić, Dušanka Jerinić – Prodanović (2016). Psylid Species (Cacopsylla spp.) in Pear Orchards of East Sarajevo, Агрознање, Agro-knowledge Journal, University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Agriculture, vol.17, no.1,2016, str. 81-89.
  9. Dejana Tešanović, Radoslava Spasić, Radenko Radović (2016). Entomofauna of pars in East Sarajevo area (Bosnia and Herzegovina). VII International Scientific Symposium Jahorina, October 06-09, „Agrosym 2016“, 1249-1255.
  10. Dejana Tešanović, Radoslava Spasić (2017). Fauna entomofaga-predatora u zasadima kruške na području Istočnog Sarajeva. XIV Simpozijum o zaštiti bilja u Bosni i Hercegovini sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik rezimea, Mostar, 07-09 11.2017. godina.